CultFit in the New Year

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act-

Pop quiz Hot Shots:

The Best CultFit Posts of 2012

Gathered conveniently for you, here are the best posts from 2012, as judged by some random dude (actually all of you):

This is profoundly sad … 11,683
Tuesday 24 April 2012 1,673
Testing The Path Not Normally Taken 1,481
Maybe It’s His Fault 1,391
Grappling With Forgiveness 1,356
Guide to the London Summer Games: CultFit Style 1,259
Big Trouble Upstairs 1,221
Wednesday 20 June 2012 1,197
Wednesday 4 April 2012 1,188
A Thought Provoking Blog … 1,152
Sunday 11 September 2011 1,151
Friday 27 April 2012 1,149
Wednesday 9 May 2012 1,134
You Brought A Gun To A Knife Fight … 1,127
The Beautiful Blogger Award… 1,122

What to look forward to in 2013

We are going step back and strip CultFit of all its distractions, gimmicks, promotions and more.  The main objective is to leave you, our Dear Reader with a pure and simple reading experience.  Reading and digesting the words presented to you without any distractions.

What we feel is necessary for a simple, enjoyable reading experience:

  1. Pithy, socially relevant topics to help you come to peace with your body and mind
  2. No comments or “like” buttons to distract you from our message
  3. A pleasant and easily read format
  4. Minimal navigation, Minimal pics.  Featured content for a “In and Out” experience
  5. A breath of fresh air amidst a sea of distractions

CultFit Bear

The CultFit as you have come to love (used extremely loosely) will simply not be the same …

The “Workout” in 2013

Acquaint yourself with this lovely word:



Enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves.
A heuristic process or method.

CultFit Cat

What does time mean to you?  We believe time is functionally similar to volatility in our lives:  The more time, the more you can achieve, the more disorder to bathe in.  Consider, that if you can suffer limited harm to your body if exposed to small errors (a brisk run, snappy kettlebell work), time brings the kind of “errors” that end up benefitting YOU.  We like to call this experience.  Other programs will break you with their use of time, not here.
Proper Form, Seek Flow, Develop Grace … Only then will we find Perfection


Slowly and surely we will be migrating content to our new site, so all hope is not lost!  CultFit will still be here tomorrow, in all its dreadful glory.  Thank you once again for making CultFit what it is!  Be well this New Year and ENJOY!!!

CultFit Frodo

I’m Glad You Stopped Over

Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself-

The Quite Place   <— If you don’t do anything else during your short visit here today?  Take the time to click this link!!!

Allow us on this lovely and chilly Thursday morning to summarize what many of you are going to do over the next week:

YOU are going to put the very “things” you passionately adore and care about on hold.  With the intent being to fulfill your wishes next year … Hmm the Dreaded New Years Resolution madness is beginning to run a muck here in the blog-o-sphere!

Cultfit Look

Do feel like you can handle the truth this morning?

The problem with this logic is that more often than not (like every damn year you do this), tomorrow never comes, the “resolution” you set never comes to fruition and the flickering flame of hope extinguishes.  Most people set off soundly on the right foot thinking that they will eventually get to all the “things” they dreamed of doing.  However, once the New Year rings in and you shake off your cheap champagne hangover … It’s March and the Lambs are roaring in.  Many others,  if they actually do hold true to their New Year plan, either find themselves either physically hurt, worn down or dead by June.  Unable to do the very “things”  they wished upon all winter and dreamed of doing the rest of the year.  Sadly, many fall into a deep, depressive “mood” in which they feel as if they had wasted all the wonderful opportunities they had planned on, like going out for an early run this morning.  When you are full of Vitality, Passion, and Excitement.

*End of Part One*

The Plan-

CultFit Square

The Workout-

Dim the lights (or go outside at dawn), light a candle and find Grace in your Salute to the Sun.

CultFit Word

Hint:  Grace will not normally be found at the “Box” … Just saying peeps.


This is YOUR life, not the fake one you live online, not your 9:30 am Power Yoga instructor’s life … YOUR life.  Take control of Your destiny and ENJOY!!!

CultFit Mind

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn’t have to experience it-

According to our critically acclaimed research department here at CultFit HQ:  We are three days into January and already 98.4% of our dear albóndigas are over training.  Who Knows, maybe it’s part of a grand scheme of some sorts or another.

The pic below may be useful to you, a guide more or less.  For us it’s a placeholder and we are blaming it on our AADD.  Last year our posts were in essence all over the place covering a wide range of topics on any given day.

The Plan-

Some like to say “potato”, some like to say “potato”…Others like “Random” and we like to throw a wrench into the works and say “Variation”.  Our reasoning for doing this is actually quite simple. Research has shown that muscle groups adapt to a specific training stimulus in roughly three weeks and then plateau.  Basically- Everything works for about a month.  So understand this simple message today- You may be training for a marathon that takes place in July right at this very moment on the 3rd of January by running on a treadmill in a stale fitness center somewhere.  Why?

The Workout-

Ease into the day as best you know how followed by:

One Hour Swimming as best as you can

Notes:  A few readers asked about our annual year-end holiday blow out over the weekend.  Needless to say it was  a raging success and yes we have pics to prove it, ENJOY!!!

Here's the pic and yes it did happen!