The Sweetest Thing

Earth’s crammed with heaven…But only he who sees, takes off his shoes-

I vow to develop UNDERSTANDING in order to live peacefully with people, animals, plants, and minerals.

I vow to develop my COMPASSION in order to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals.


CultFit Tracks

The Workout-

Shoes off at the door please, let’s carry on with a nice CultFit Flow (if you would like to know what this is? just ask …)


Self-awareness and compassion are amazing skills to help guide you. Allow these feelings to nurture accepting love in your heart. It’s love, yes Love,Β that will help you to heal and change your outlook on Life.

CultFit Still

10 Comments on “The Sweetest Thing”

  1. mariavlong says:

    Okay, I’m asking about the Cult Fit flow. I also want to mention that you have the best images of all the blogs a partake of.

  2. The first photograph especially speaks to my heart.

    • CultFit says:

      Awesome! Talking about awareness can be tedious and self serving at times. I have been trying to find the right images and as few words as possible to introduce old practices into today’s modern world. Laurie, I always appreciate you stopping over. Be well today. πŸ™‚

  3. bellissimom says:

    I love this post!

  4. I am loving the Notes section. Words I need to hear at the most perfect time. Thank you for that. πŸ™‚

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