Come Explore With Us …

To be frugal is to return before straying-

Well you have done it once again.  You have wasted yet another splendid week reading the ramblings of CultFit HQ.  Bravo, dear reader(s)!

Like looking at the glorious pictures of others lives is extremely easy and addicting.  The hedonic treadmill is awfully easy to hop onto as well.  Slowly, each and everyday we begin to take our current lives for granted.  Always trying to reach the next level of fulfillment.  Try to understand that the hedonic treadmill is not a necessary part of living life.  Can you keep a secret?  It’s perfectly acceptable to enjoy what you have, right now – at this very moment.  Look around you … That is enough!

**While we take a moment to water our parched and withering flowers outside.  Punch “Hedonic Treadmill” into your Google Machine.**

Let’s Go Explore the Wonderful World Around Us!!!

The Plan-

This is without doubt the photo of the Olympics:

Hat Tip: Greg Bull of the Associated Press

The Workout-

Simply take a moment today and dedicate yourself to “yourself“.  It very well may be the hardest thing you have done so far this week … We woke up early and peacefully went for a nice Walk and lost ourselves in a nice quite Yoga progression.


Be happy today and make it great!  Over the weekend? Have fun, shop for some Poo Paper and ENJOY!!!

15 Comments on “Come Explore With Us …”

  1. Poo paper and wine….tha’s what else I needed on my grocery list. Thanks! Have a great weekend.

  2. joyfitnessandstyle says:

    I hate those corks! :)Have a happy Friday.

  3. megsays says:

    Gabby Douglas is so inspiring. Loving these Olympic related posts. I nominated this blog for the “One Lovely Blog” award today keep up the great posts, and have a Happy Friday! 🙂

    • CultFit says:

      Just got back from the water park with the kiddos and this is such great news to hear! Thank you so much!!! I wish you the best and I will be sure to work on a reply post tomorrow. Thank you once again and have a great weekend.

  4. urbanbeings says:

    poo paper, eh? how did i live so long without this? think poo corks would be better than those pants plastic ones!, or, how about just using cork? crazy, i know. hope you managed to get into the bottle to the juicey goodness. have a good one 🙂

    • CultFit says:

      The boys over in Wales can be pretty crazy at times. 😉 I broke out the old rabbit to take care of this pesky cork! Have a great weekend!!!

  5. Many times our outside view of other people’s lives is deceiving. We think we want what they have but usually the photos/twitter updates do not represent an accurate description of the person posting them. The key to getting what you want is wanting what you have.

  6. garagegym107 says:

    Poo paper, wine, and coffee all added to my lake list. Along with a smile for the day. Gabby Douglas has made us proud and she is so beautifully humble at the same time. Have a great weekend CultFit!

  7. Gabby Douglas is sooo amazing!!

  8. Asuma says:

    Haven’t been practising yoga lately…need to and really want to get back on that!!!

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