Breaking News!!! Women are tough as nails…

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent-

Say hello to Penny Assman, a true patriot and warrior!  Rest up, the first beer is on us!!!

Hat Tip: ADN and Seward City News

Sunday 1 April 2012

The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid-

Reckless abandon…You only live once and today is the day to shave 10 minutes off your 5k time.  Quit bitching about the injuries and how hot it is outside, HTFU!!!  Right now, right at this very moment…There is a yoga mom kicking your ass in every imaginable way!!!

See the weak pathetic little human sitting in the bumbo.  That’s you…

The Plan-

The Workout-

Pulled from our “Favorite” webz-site on all the inter-webz…Pinterest!!!


Go out there and kill “IT” today for the proverbial free t-shirt and race bib (well actually it’s not free…)!!!

Monday 19 March 2012

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us-

Contrary to popular belief we do not receive our training information from the Uzbekistan Intelligence Agency.  Rather we have a “unique” in-house training team that encompasses both males and females across a wide range of athletic abilities.  Some compete others could care less about what happens during the day.  A rather touchy topic came up recently during a run over this past weekend:  If you had to explain minimalist running in eleven words how would you do it?  No more no less…11 words got it!!!

To preface and set up this post for all the sensitive soy chai-tea latte types reading in their minimalist shoes this morning:  We genuinely do not care about your shoes or running philosophy.  If its 5:45 am on a beautiful partially sun lit trail?!?  Carry on pounding your feet into the earth blasting Peaches and Cream in your iPod thingy.  Yeah it is that quite in the morning…Think about that peeps!  Are you this person?!?  Carrying on then…

As a social experiment try this the next time you see a granola crunching/VFF peep out on the trail?  Be prepared to walk away after the eleven word limit and by all means purge the non-sense they spill forward.  Ready?

Last night we presented this very question to our own Bio-Mechanical Engineer Uncle Harry, a rather flamboyant older gentleman.  Now understand you have to say this aloud as you do it?  Understand that last bit?  It truly is the most through 11 word definition of how to run in known existence:

“My foot should hit the gentle earth beneath me moving backwards!”

Can you believe that?  Is it really that simple?  “…I Just bought four books for my Kindle teaching me how to run and you guys did it in 11 words?”

Start poking holes naysayers although be advised if you are “new” here and easily get butt-sore…Say the above words over and over as you wander the aisles in Whole Foods looking for gluten-free flax-seed oil.  Unless you are prepared to take on Uncle Harry in an elastic energy/forward momentum debate?  We kindly recommended you walk away from this argument next time on the trail…at 5:45 in the AM…when we are chilling out…not listening to Peaches and Cream!!!

The Plan-

Today’s sign of the coming Apocalypse:

Please click on me dear yoga mom…

The Workout-

Are we still getting up before the Sun rises in the morning?

From our “Book Ends” series here…

30 Minute Walk/Trail Run…Walk and if you feel like running go for it, followed by:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Perfect One Arm Presses (non-pressing arm is holding a plate, db, kb 10 lbs heavier than pressing weight)…Followed by:

10 Perfect Hinge Walk Out Push Ups (walk out once – 10 push ups – walk back)

10 Minutes Messing about with the Turkish Get Up (Not for time and not AMRAP!  Carry over from last week and fiddle around with small muscle activation)

20 Minute Walk/Trail Run…


FYI- Friday is going to be work up to a Heavy One Rep Each Arm TGU.  Now though extensive research on our part we have unlocked two very different types of peeps:  The one who will go nuts all week putting up big numbers only to stink up the joint Friday and the peeps who will refine technique and pattern the movement daily.  We’ll see who shows up Friday won’t we?  Be safe and most importantly today, ENJOY!!!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling-

It’s that time of the week again peeps!!!  Uncle Ralphie just came down the stairs in his nice fluffy pink bunny jammies.  He really needs to stop smoking cheap cigars in the morning though!  Hey, here’s Uncle Mo!  Always nice to see a man carrying around a snifter full of purple “juice” in the AM wearing (quite affectionately by the way) a silk robe?!?  Feel free to wander off on your great conquest of the Inter-Webz and all things Random Fitness.  Today is a Rest Day here…You know what to expect?!?

The Plan-

The Workout-

Rest Day Although…Tap into your inner curiosity and go exploring out and about with the kids maybe?  Scout out that next hill to do sprints on or maybe a new park to play on later this summer?  Basically take the blinders off and put down the damn phone for once!!!


What a lovely day it is.  The sun is up and everything is fine and dandy, ENJOY!!!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success-

The results from our question yesterday turned up missing in the evening hours.  No need to pout like you really cared and are dearly heartbroken today reading at Starbucks.  We have always lamented on: Form, Flow, Grace and the ability to make something look easy (especially when the activity is infinitely hard and complex).  But why go through all the trouble of doing that you may be asking yourself today?  Why care?  Just doing “it” is 98.7% of the battle!  There are a few great coaches out there in the fitness world that can make complex movement patterns (Olympic lifts) digestible to the average passer-by (Dan John is a great example).  No they don’t pre-chew it for you like a momma bird on a crisp spring morning or toss it at you in the hopes that some of the info sticks.  Too much of which already happens daily in our watered down social media driven society.  As a test this morning go out in the blog-o-world and find ten blogs on fitness.  How many just regurgitate centuries old bits-o-information and toss it your way?  Our guess is no fewer than 9 out of 10 do it daily…

“What in the hell does this have to do about movement?”  Say hello to Mr. Q Angle…Don’t confuse him with Mrs. Q Angle!  That would be horribly impolite dear reader! (Four peeps reading know why this is important.  Just four, no more no less.)

“You jack asses over there need to quit skimming the top and dumb it down for all of us…”  What is one bio mechanical difference between a man and a woman?  Why should a woman approach lifting/running differently than a man?  This is not a gender bashing forum peeps so feel free to hop down off your easy argument box when you see fit!

JUST READ THIS to wet your appetite or (maybe) learn a wee bit more. (Well worth your time if you are of the female persuasion)

If you made it this far into the post?  Congrats are in order, We literally get hundreds of emails a day trying to argue how we are poking fun at various routines and having a good-ole time at your expense.  Our seasoned readers know that is far from the truth.  They also know that we like to form and make our arguments on “The Process” not “The Result”…let that sink in for a minute (NO SERIOUSLY READ IT LIKE TEN TIMES).  As an example do you know how easy it is to say and maybe you have said it recently: “CrossFit, P90x, Boot-camps are the best programs due to the fact I am in the best shape of my life!”   Making the easy argument on “The Result” is so clichéd now peeps!!!

The Plan-

Our crack webz research department may have finally found the perfect image that represents what “YOU” do with all the mind numbing information you get in a day!

The Workout-

Pay close attention this may get out of hand quickly…

Warm Up into a nice lather and take your shoes off if you haven’t already done so.

Listen and feel the movement of your breath and body today, keep your eyes closed as much as possible and perform the following:

25 KB One Legged Bent Over Rows (Hips Stacked-Always…Each Arm)

25 KB One Legged One Arm Press (Pressing Arm is Opposite Standing Leg)

25 Hinge Walk Out High Push Up Plank (45-60 seconds, Are your eyes still closed?)

15 Minutes in the following Plank Variations:

High-Low Push Up, Side, Bridge One Leg, Table Top (About 5 mins each)

If you seriously want to mess yo self up?!?  Perform a horrid plank…We dare you!!!


We triple dog dare you!!!  Be safe today peeps and ENJOY!!!