Let Go

Making people happy makes people happy-

Link of the day:  Budget Bytes

What exactly is the importance of having a open mind?

Personal and spiritual growth begins with a healthy dose of open-mindedness, that’s the importance. At what age did you stop asking “why”?

For the parents reading this morning, when the little ones ask “why” … Like a billion times before lunch?  It gets old really quick!  We beg of them to stop.  However, and curse us if you may:  Asking “why” should never go away, no matter how cantankerous and old we become.

There is always room for more understanding in our lives.  If dudes want to wear skinny jeans and fedoras while shopping at Whole Foods?  Totally cool … If we stay narrow-minded with the belief that what we know is the divine truth? We end up greeting any and all differing views as a falsehood.   Feel like ruining a relationship real quick?  Stop asking “why” and become less understanding.  We triple dog dare you to try this?!?

There is a looming set of clouds full of ” ignorance” forming on the far horizon.   The ingredients for a  perfect storm are all around us:  Total immersion in social media, failure to notice the changing  environment, lack of empathy towards others, relying on facts and not deep-rooted knowledge.  Are we forgetting anything?

There is hope young Padawan(s)  One way we as a whole can rid ourselves of this storm is to allow the light of higher awareness to shine down warmly upon us:  Ask “why” and practice becoming more open-minded.  Is Mark Sanchez (aka Buttfumble) the best QB in the NFL … Maybe – Maybe not?!?  Let’s discuss this further.


*Better come strong with your QB argument!  Just saying.*

The Workout-

A little homework is in order before we carry on with The Workout today.  Hey, save the comments for after class … Look up these two words using your Google Machine:  Techne and Episteme

CultFit Meow

What, you might be asking are these two dreadful little words doing here this morning?

Is your workout based on Techne (craft, experience and know how) … Or, are you trying to impress your friends with Episteme (book knowledge and showing off the title/certifications/badassness of your program).  So on that note:

A nice flowing Warm Up consisting of Crane Pose play and breathing control.  Followed by:

10 KB Perfect Push Ups

10 One Arm KB Bent Over Rows (alternate arms –  load)

10 Step(s) High Knee Walk (each foot – shoes off – walking on clouds)



Techne or Episteme?  Why really?  I’m trying to be open-minded about all of this?  Be well this weekend and please take care!

HERE is the link to follow us via email as well as the  Twitter Machine  Link.  Thank you once again!

CultFit Jamal

After Glow

Tothom pot intimidar, però no tothom aprèn a respectar-

All of us lead busy lives,  our responsibilities become greater each and everyday.  The only constant in our lives is change.

Many, if not all of our biggest missteps daily occur because our lives are out of balance.  Let us help you today to tip the scales away from stress and chaos, towards happiness and peace of mind.  One of the most powerful ways to do this is through open honest dialog amongst friends and nursery rhymes.  <— What?!?

el Pla-

l’entrenament de-

This may or may not be the hardest program you have ever participated in?!?  5k- Easy, X-Fit- Cake, Boot Camp- Whatever

Crocodile Breathing while learning/speaking (aloud) a simple nursery rhyme in Catalan, simple stuff right?

First we need a spiffy nursery rhyme:  The Rooster and the Hen

The rooster and the hen
Were on the balcony,
The hen was falling asleep
And the rooster gave her a kiss.
-Naughty, more than naughty!
What will people say?
-Let them say what they want,
For now I’m happy!

Now the translation in Catalan:

El gall i la gallina
Estaven al balcó,
La gallina s’adormia
I el gall li fa un petó.
-Dolent, més que dolent!
Què dirà la gent?
-Que diguin el que vulguin
Que jo ja estic content!

Either you can write the translation down or use your iPad thingy, your choice?  Find a comfy spot on the floor, tummy side down to work on our Crocodile Breathing (Google it if you are unfamiliar with this breathing technique).  Allow your controlled breath to take you away, a state of calm.  While you practice your nursery rhyme.  This is not a contest, sword fight, or struggle.  When you feel you can comfortably say the rhyme (aloud)?  Stand up and give it a go.  If you fail?  Back to the floor it is for you … It took Uncle Mo 3 tries and 40 minutes of practice.  The hardest 40 minutes of work he has done in quite some time.

Nota de-

Be well today and Gaudir!!!



बिना अनुभव के कोरा शाब्दिक ज्ञान अंधा है।

Do you share a passion for discovery?  A passion for embracing and seeking out new and unfamiliar events in your life?  Immersing yourself in a new activity can help you transform your life in ways you never dreamed possible.  Here’s how:  Dipping your toes in an unfamiliar event takes Courage and Strength.

Workout- Outside in the elements.  Trail Run- On an actual trail.  Ride a bike- Into a 20mph headwind.

If you ever wanted to see a 5k princess melt?  Head to a local trail head when it’s raining … If you want to see a gym bunny break?  Hill Sprints and heavy KB Swings will do just fine.

Experiencing nature is heaven on earth.  Just simply being outdoors will awaken in you a sense of vitality and infinity for life.  After just a few moments outdoors a path to your core creativity will emerge in front of you.  Without thinking, look up at the astonishing number of stars in the sky tonight, the leaves quietly lingering on a single tree while running a favorite path and feel the sense of vastness and spaciousness that surrounds you.  As you gaze at the heavens, knowing that humanity throughout history and across continents has pondered these very stars, in this moment … You are experiencing something larger than yourself.

योजना –

कसरत –

Outdoors, in the elements …. A nice flowing Trail Run Followed by:

Park Bench Meditation (picnic tables etc.)

Find a bench with a level seat, a straight back and no arms (a level seat is all we really need) The front of the seat should not dig into the underside of your thighs.  Gently place your legs side by side, your feet flat on the earth beneath them.  Mindfully place both hands on your lap, one hand cupped upon the other.  Release the tension in your neck and shoulder muscles.  Breathe and relax your arms.

With our eyes closed, our objective is to achieve a state of complete physical stillness, calm – bliss.

नोट्स –

Be bold and find the strength to move away from fear and into something new … का आनंद लें


Walk In Space

No llores porque ya se terminó, sonríe porque sucedió-

‘Merican linguist Benjamin Lee Whorf was spot on when he stated: “Language itself shapes a man’s basic ideas.

Language transforms our daily experiences and firmly connects us to the past as well as to our future. Language sparks our imagination, connects us to one another.  Take the time with us this week to be mindful of how important language is to our perception of reality.

No tienes nada que perder y todo que ganar por unirse a nosotros en esta práctica consciente de esta semana.

El Plan-

El Entrenamiento de-

Un rápido hasta que fluye caliente, Una obra Viga de equilibrio poco y un poco de volteretas. Seguido por:

15 Doble KB Limpia
15 Doble KB Press Militar
15 Doble KB Bent Sobre las Filas

Diez veces a través de este pequeño programa sería bueno.


Sé bien hoy y … Disfrutar!!!