Alone : Together :

I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day-

Where were we?!? Equanimity and Happiness are temporary mood state(s) that can’t be achieved by flipping an inner switch, which I like to call – Will power. The delicate aspects of equanimity and happiness that we can control, is about what we consciously choose to focus on – The way in which we shine our attention upon the good “things” in our lives.

Sadly, we are pressured and guilted into resolutions by social media and society as a whole. Buried in the sweeping negative thoughts, the sadness and depression that come with resolutions unfilled Is being grateful. We are too distracted with our FitBit stats and marathon training plans to notice how we are goaded into being too ambitious with our delicate souls. Simply being grateful for our health, simply being, awakens us to the idea of nurturing ourselves and not mindlessly causing harm with addictive New Years resolutions.

Daily Meditation:

As the temperature gradually gets colder outside, I feel fortunate to be able to shut out the cold north winds, the driving snow, grateful to take shelter in your warm hearts.

CultFit Grateful